Thursday, 27 March 2008

"Our (kids) future. It's in our hands."

The story behind that talking hands advert

See this on You tube!


Primary Schools Next !!!

I was horrified and deeply angered when I saw the latest idea from Cumbria County Council.
Not only do they want to ruin secondary school education in Barrow but they now want to have a go at our Primary Schools too.

There is a document on the County Council site that details plans on how and why they want to do this. If this is not enough to stir people in Barrow I don't know what is. I wonder where the County Council will target this consultation, if there is to be one.. maybe at 6th form colleges again like the 11-16 consultation information.

How much about this have the schools heads known ?

What is the incentive on this one? Money , Land? I can't believe they are now thinking of messing up our 3-11 year olds education too....

Its about time people woke up to what is going on in this town and started standing up for what they want...Help those that are standing in the May Borough elections, go out and vote against an Academy in Barrow...without that they can't do anything with the primary schools..

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Borough Council Elections

In an attempt to fight this proposal we are putting up candidates in certain wards in Barrow to stand against candidates that support it.

What is every one's view on this ... will you come out and vote Against the Academy and help us...
This is exactly the action that is required from each and every one of you... its no good complaining later down the line if you don't try to stop the proposal now..

Parental choice

Not sure about anyone else but I was gob smacked at recent stories in the papers and on the News about schools asking for donations to secure First place choices and how more locally Cumbria County Council had denied over 200 Parents their child's first, second and third places for this coming September.

All through this campaign the County Councils have said that parental choice is important... what choice have these parents had and what has it come to where you are donating money to secure your child's place. How can the system be so corrupt to allow this to happen?
Its obvious that in the case of the Carlisle academy parents don't want it and are voting as such by their choices... why the hell won't the Council listen to the parents, its obvious in Carlisle and very obvious in Barrow we don't want it.!

What does everyone else think of the Councils tactics..... there are other instances this is not the only example... I wouldn't be surprised if they start refusing first place choice in Barrow if they choose to close one of the schools this year....

Friday, 7 March 2008

Who can I write to ? - MPs and the Media

My motto is

Always aim high.

Because so few people do - an individual can get a very satisfying result especially if they are always reasoned in their approach. Furthermore it's possible to build up a relationship with these people so that eventually they take notice of what you have to say!

How about the Liberal Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families - David Laws - Give him some ammunition to attack the Government's education policy.

Tim Farron MP is always very helpful and very active though not the local MP but could put pressure on the Liberals in the Cumbria County Council

Then of course there is the MP for Barrow - John Hutton

Get on tele - Dave Guest of North West Tonight news team is always very responsive to email contacts

Who would you recommend?

Information on Academies from the Internet

Academies fail to improve results, study says - this is a recent article in the Guardian.

Then there is a web site run by the Anti Academies Alliance who hold a meeting in London tomorrow Saturday 8th March 2008.

Here you can listen to a television report on the campaign being carried out at Stoke on Trent only last week.

For more information try a search with Google with the word Academies

What have you found?

What can we do?

For me there are two main activities.

The first is to get accurate information.

The second is to use it in the most effective way.

Why have this blog site as well as a web site?

Our main Internet site helps us feed you with information. In using this Bog (perhaps this should be Blog!) however, we hope you will be able to communicate directly with other parents online and share your concerns, what you know and what you are doing.

Remember the worst thing you can do is nothing....

So what are you doing?