Thursday, 13 March 2008

Borough Council Elections

In an attempt to fight this proposal we are putting up candidates in certain wards in Barrow to stand against candidates that support it.

What is every one's view on this ... will you come out and vote Against the Academy and help us...
This is exactly the action that is required from each and every one of you... its no good complaining later down the line if you don't try to stop the proposal now..


Anonymous said...

The motivation and agenda of many members of this group are well known: and they have little to do with improving education in this town. You're not going to post this, are you? Thought not.

Anonymous said...

I live in Hawcoat and will NOT be voting for Jack Richardson. I will also actively canvas in my ward to persuade other voters to do the same. This thing has to be stopped.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know what you think the motivations of this group are, we have stated on our website and else where what we are about. At least we are not motivated by money which is what this council seems to be.
There are many ways to improve education in Barrow ... it does not have to be by building a huge new building. the roots of the issues ned to be looked at not ingored or filled over with a new school which we do not need. I am a parent and would like a choice for my child what choicewill I have with three schools being closed. Might as well as not bother with the schools selection in Barrow now if the concil get their way. Good education does not mean a new school...I can see why the council want this with all the development thats going on... to advertise anice new school with a new marina development and new town centre new one way system.... all a waste of money.

Anonymous said...

I would like George Street to clarify exactly what they mean regarding the motivation and agenda of OSANFS. The group has clear policies and goals and they are everything to do with safeguarding our childrens welfare and their education. If George Street wishes to contact us direct and explain, I will be very happy to respond via our email address provided on the website.

Geoff Dellow said...

I'm not sure what George is referring to but there are many ways of trying to improve education.

I agree that new approaches need to be taken and that we should not avoid looking closely at these. Sometimes we are reluctant to accept them.

However in this case the evidence across the country shows that this initiative, though looking good at first glance is a poorly thought out approach by a Government getting others to spend money on their behalf.

The changes many teachers want to see are those that encourage good teaching in the classroom, not so much the provision of good material facilities. At the moment many excellent teachers have or are about to give up on teaching because they are being asked to train students rather than inspire them.

Its a change in the Government approach to the teachers that is needed at present.

New buildings and impressive classrooms are a smoke screen.

Anonymous said...

On Sunday 26th August last year, the Observer newspaper carried an article on the new Thomas Deacon Academy in Peterborough due to open the following month.
The article made much of the fact that the building was designed by architects working for Norman Foster and could have been the futuristic headquarters of a multinational company. (The anonymous reporter clearly failed to understand that a school is not a building)
It also described how the new head, Mr Alan McMurdo, could be more experimental at the school because the school had its own sponsors and was free from local authority control. Mr McMurdo reportedly said (quote) "Meeting children's needs as and when they arrive (sic) is saying, 'we value as a learner'. No longer making them sit still says, 'we are treating you like an adult'." (unquote). But these pupils are not adults, they are children - so what will Mr McMurdo do when they can't behave like adults? The answer came just six months later.
According to a report published in the 6th March 2008 edition of the Peterborough newspaper, The Evening Telegraph, the school has permanently excluded 19 pupils and suspended a further 11.
As the law states all young people must attend school, on which unfortunate state school in Peterborough were these 19 (non-adult, antisocial) 'undesirables' dumped?
As for Barrow - should a Glass Palace Academy be built - watch out Walney school (and Walney residents)!
Norman Hill (not related to Nina in any way whatsoever) - opposed to the academy.

Anonymous said...

It's great to see some local people are going to stand in the borough council elections to oppose the Academy. The county council's recent farcical Academy consultation process where they ignored the views of those consulted smacks of councillors arrogance and indifference towards the community. It's great to see ordinary people are prepared to stand up and be counted, and look after the choice and opportunities for our school pupils.

I offer my help in leaflet distribution and canvassing to any of the candidates opposing the Academy.

ps - if the councillors get their way closing secondary schools (to make prime land available for more property development) don't be surprised when they announce plans to close nurseries, infant schools and junior schools.

Anonymous said...

On the face of it, a brand new school seems a wonderful idea, but once you scratch below the surface and read about the experience at established Academies throughout the country, you begin to realise how dangerous it is, eg lack of choice of school, absolute power of the sponsor for very little outlay, waste of tax-payers money, no guarantee of improved school results, secrecy over the way the school is run, governors appointed by the sponsor etc etc. Please read as much as you can before dismissing the campaign group opposed to the Academy. Then, if you still feel we are not interested in our children's education,please feel free to criticise us.
Don't forget to vote for the Anti-Academy candidates on 1st May.
Blue Suede Muse

Geoff Dellow said...

I believe the comment above makes a lot of sense.

Anonymous said...

I think these campaigners should be applauded for standing up and fighting when it would be so much easier to do nothing but complain when its all too late. I will certainly be voting for the Independent in my ward - at least this candidate wont be told how or what to think and say!! Good luck to you all!